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Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov (; 14 March 1889 – 20 October 1959) was a Soviet military commander, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) and a recipient of the Order of Lenin and Order of the Red Banner. Kuznetsov fought in the Russian Civil War, and commanded troops in the interwar years and the Winter War. After his retirement from the army he worked as a political officer and a teacher. He was captured by the Germans and spent two years in captivity. Kuznetsov is a recipient of the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
World War II
During World War II Kuznetsov commanded the 26th Guards Rifle Division, 5th Guards Army of the Leningrad Front, and later transferred to the North Caucasus Front, where he became commander of the 28th Army. He took part in the Baltic Offensive in 1944, the Vyborg–Petrozavodsk Offensive in 1944 and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria in August 1945. Kuznetsov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner twice for his service during the war, and he was given the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class for his role in the liberation of Belarus. He was promoted to lieutenant general in 1946. ac619d1d87
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